Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I voted at about 8:00 this morning in my swing state. Pretty uneventful, until I turned in my ballot and noticed that our Republican governor was right behind me submitting his ballot. On the way out of the building I wanted to turn to him and say, "I canceled you out, buddy. This state doesn't belong to you and yours anymore." But, my better angels prevailed (and my instinct for self-preservation, since I suspect his secret service detail might have interpreted "cancel you out" differently than I would have intended).

Instead I simply smiled at him, nodded, then looked up at the beautiful blue sky and choked back a tear. The time for rancor and division is over. It's a new day.

It's a good day.


Ayn Rand said...

On the way out of the building I wanted to turn to him and say, "I canceled you out, buddy. This state doesn't belong to you and yours anymore."

Sounds pretty rancorous and divisive to me. That's quite the olive branch, Reach.

Anonymous said...

You realize that "wanted to" suggests "didn't," don't you? Shutting up is the first step. Olive branches may take a few days.

Joe said...

"Chocked back a tear"?


bl said...

I understand that discretion can be the better part of valor.

You've set a great example. And I'm trying to learn from you.

I remember when you said that if America wouldn't elect a black man, then you were really ready to move to Canada.

And here I am in Kyrgyzstan for all sorts of reasons.

Still, thanks.

Anonymous said...


I can't imagine what this means to you and your family, my friend. If you have kids some day, they will hear about this moment in history when more things became possible for them.

I wish you were here to share the experience, but know that all of us are so very proud of you for the service you are giving.

jenniferharrisdault said...

You were on my mind last night as the results came in. What a GOOD day, indeed! And way to go for smilin' at the Gov.

middleclasstool said...

Today's a better day than yesterday, tho, innit?

Beloved said...

Is rancor and division reserved for election season rhetoric, or are there real opposites of conviction that will have to meet one another in order to move forward? I blogged about this today, if you can tolerate reading it. I'm trying to reach across the aisle...